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Hayk Matsakyan

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

Hair loss is a common problem throughout the world, and men and women have been trying to reverse it for centuries. In modern times, we have seen many new technologies and medical advances that claim to help or prevent hair loss. One popular set of items are hair loss shampoos. Available from many different brands, these products claim that they can prevent thinning of the hair, and some even claim that they can promote the growth of new hair.

Being able to simply apply some shampoo and benefit from a new thick head of hair seems too easy, doesn’t it? That’s because it probably is, and many of the claims perpetuated by these companies are unfounded. Let’s look at some of the myths about hair loss shampoos.

Menthol Shampoos can help prevent hair loss

One common myth is that shampoo containing menthol can help promote growth and prevent male pattern baldness. While menthol has beneficial properties for both your scalp and your hair, its ability to reverse balding is overstated. Healthier hair, in general, may negate some of the effects of balding, but menthol alone cannot prevent your hair from thinning or encourage your body to produce more hair.

If you use hair loss shampoos early in life, you can prevent balding later

Some people don’t buy into the idea that shampoo can be a miracle cure for hair that is already lost, but they still believe that certain shampoos can prevent balding later in life. While there are long-term benefits to using certain shampoos, staving off baldness is not necessarily one of the direct ones.

If you take care of your hair your entire life, there is a better chance that you will enjoy a full, healthy head of hair as you age. But if your genetics dictate that you are going to lose hair at some point, there is no shampoo that is going to prevent it. Proper care might diminish the effects, but your body is still going to follow its natural order.

Ketoconazole Shampoo works to promote hair growth

Ketoconazole is a medication that is used in shampoos that treat dandruff, and many people believe that these shampoos have helped them to remedy their hair loss woes. This is true in some cases, but not for the reasons that they think it is.

Dandruff is caused by a fungal infection which is why many people suffering from it notice their hair becoming thinner. But this is not due to male pattern baldness or genetics, it is an underlying issue that is treated by ketoconazole. These shampoos work for those experiencing temporary balding because of the fungus, but they won’t help if your hair was thinning naturally.

Hair loss shampoos are the only way to restore your hair

This is the biggest myth out there and might be the most harmful one. These shampoos promise impossible results that they can’t deliver. This is pretty much an outright lie, and the companies that promote them should not be trusted to give you a fuller head of hair.

Is there any hope for new hair?

While hair loss shampoos are mostly bunk, there is, in fact, hope for those who want to look in the mirror and see that vibrant, youthful, full head of hair once again.

Scalp Micropigmentation sometimes referred to as hair tattoo, is a revolutionary technology that uses tiny needles and natural pigments to replicate the appearance of real hair. It is a fantastic option for those who are suffering from thinning hair and want to get back to that full natural look. Micropigmentation can give definition to any part of your hair and is beneficial for both those who are only thinning in certain areas or those who have gone completely bald.

Share your opinion and experience with us and let us know if we can be of any help to you.


Hayk Matsakyan

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

Here is what you need to know

Androgenetic Alopecia is commonly known as female pattern baldness is a disorder that causes hair loss in women. Research shows that the effect of this disorder is almost similar to male pattern baldness with the exception of patterns that are different in both men and women.

According to Healthline, Androgenic Alopecia is mainly due to genetics or hereditary factors. The poor production of androgen, a hormone can also lead to patterned hair loss in women.

In general hair loss is mostly caused by hormones. In both male and female sexes, Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is the specific hormone that causes hair loss. It is a byproduct of testosterone needed by both women and men for promoting strong bones and muscles.

Causes of Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic Alopecia or female pattern baldness is a result of genetic defects. If one of your parents has suffered from this disorder, you are likely to get it too.

As mentioned above, there are other causes of female pattern baldness including androgen hormone, which is released from the ovary or tumors of the pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for hair loss in women.

A number of research studies show that traction alopecia, various medical conditions, medications, and autoimmune diseases can also cause androgenic alopecia.

For instance, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that occurs rarely – but causes the immune system of the person to affect the hair follicles, which eventually leads to hair loss in women.

Traction alopecia is characterized by tightly pulling of the hair as well as making different hairstyles. Braids, pigtails, and ponytails used by women can cause this disorder. So, basically, this is a form of female pattern disorder and causes hair loss from the front.

In addition, hair loss in women may also occur – as an adverse effect – after suffering from specific illnesses. This may include high fever, severe infection, cancer, or even head surgery. Medicines that people use for treating cancer and related diseases can also affect hair follicles.

What Is The Best Treatment For Female Pattern Baldness?

There are various ways and/or methods to treat female pattern baldness. It is important to know that the type of treatment prescribed by the health professional depends on the severity of the disorder and the probability of healing or recovering.

When it comes to medications, Minoxidil is a common drug prescribed by doctors to both women and men to treat hair loss. If you are suffering from female pattern baldness, you can apply this liquid-form medication on your scalp daily to stimulate the growth of hair. There are no guaranteed results though, and topical hair loss solutions like Minoxidil may or may not work for everyone.

Research shows that some medications that are taken orally are also beneficial in stopping hair loss in females. These medications belong to the diuretics group, which are used to remove excess water from different parts of the body.

Diuretics can also stop the production of androgen to prevent loss of hair in females and trigger the regrowth process. However, Diuretics can also cause side effects including dizziness, nausea, and dryness of the mouth. Please, consult with your healthcare professional before using any above-mentioned hair loss solutions.

Many clinical studies have shown that low-level laser therapy can be used for the stimulation of hair growth. Laser therapy treatment is applicable to both men and women. Although it may not give you the desired hair fullness and density, it is still worth trying.

Taking essential dietary supplements plus applying essential oils to your hair can naturally treat this disorder. Reducing your stress levels, doing exercise, yoga, deep breathing, and proper diet strengthen your hair follicles and regrow your hair.

And lastly, another very effective and non-surgical option for hair loss is Scalp Micropigmentation, also known as Hair Tattoo or Medical Tattoo.

Hayk Matsakyan

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

Understanding the four major factors for hair loss – and what you can do about it.

From comb overs to hairpieces, humans have been trying to put the kibosh on obvious hair loss for centuries. Androgenic alopecia a.k.a. male pattern baldness (MPB) is the most typical form of men’s hair loss. 95% of men’s hair loss is attributed to MPB. 2/3 of men in America will sustain some loss of hair by the time they turn 35. When they turn 50, about 85% of them will have thinning hair (source: American Hair Loss Association). While the likeliness of experiencing hair loss might seem like an inevitability for most, there are four major factors that influence hair loss – and two of them are more controllable than you may have previously thought.

The search for a hair loss solution frequently starts with the question, "Why am I losing my hair?" It seems logical that if you identify the reason for a problem, you can find a hair loss treatment that works. While this is true sometimes, there are unfortunately issues that have no cure.

1. Genetic Propensity for Hair Growth Problems

We’ll start off with the bad news first: Genetics can play a major role in whether or not you will experience hair loss in the future. While there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent this factor from influencing your future hairline, it can at least give you a glimpse into your potential future.

Just like your DNA partially defines your height, eye color, and other physical characteristics, it affects baldness and thinning hair, too. While you may have heard that these problems pass through the maternal line, that explanation does not stand up to more in-depth genetic research. Instead, it seems to stem from the changes in testosterone and androgen levels as you age. These are partially determined by genetics on both the X and Y chromosomes you receive from both parents at conception.

2. Combating Stress-Related Hair Loss

It sounds like an old wives tale, but it is true: Stress can play a major role in premature or accelerated hair loss in men and women – and there is a science to back it up. It can either arrest the natural hair regrowth process or make the dormant period come sooner or last longer. This type of loss basically means that your hair does not regrow fast enough to keep up with the accelerated fallout schedule. From Telogen Effluvium (a condition that shuts hair follicles down), Trichotillomania (a condition that causes one to rip hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows out), and Alopecia Areata (when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles) – stress can cause minor to major hair loss.

3. Hair Loss from Nutritional Issues - Diet and Hydration.

Proper nutrition can do more than simply keep you looking bathing suit ready all year long – it is the key to promoting your physical and mental health, including your hair. Diets that are deficient in key nutrients, specifically protein, can result in rapid and catastrophic hair loss. Additionally, lack of proper hydration can cause extremely brittle hair that is less likely to hold on to the hair follicles and break.

Everyone should understand that eating a natural diet with plenty of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals helps you maintain or achieve optimum health in all aspects. With poor nutrition comes physical stress on your body that can contribute to everything from thinning hair to male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. The simplest nutritional instructions to grow a healthy head of hair include getting enough protein, iron, vitamin C to help the iron absorb properly, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, and sufficient hydration.

Will eating more chicken and having orange juice every day cure your baldness? No. However, it will allow your body to stay in the proper shape to maximize hair growth as much as other factors in your life allow. Also, health helps to deal with stress.

4. Diagnosed Alopecia Areata

This immune response disorder involves your body's white blood cells attacking hair follicles as if they are foreign bodies. While this is much less common than simple stress or genetic issues, it often results in complete body and head baldness more than any other hair loss risk factor. For people who struggle with alopecia, the possibility of hair tattoos or other cosmetic treatments brings relief from potential embarrassment, bullying, and other issues.

Besides the above mentioned the main reasons for losing your hair, it also happens due to skin conditions like eczema, fungal infections like tinea capitis, and due to side effects from prescription medication like beta-blockers and lithium.

What Can Be Done?

So, what are your options if you’ve reduced your stress, stayed hydrated, and kept up with a balanced diet...only to see your hair continue to fall away? While there are seemingly endless hair care and hair loss options on the market, how does one know what options are legitimate and which are total bologna? While there are over-the-counter drugs and medicated restoration shampoos, they often have concerning chemicals with uncomfortable (and frightening) side effects. Surgery can also be an answer, but the results are not always seamless, and the recovery period can be very uncomfortable.

There is, however, another solution that is non-surgical, non-invasive, and permanent – scalp micropigmentation. Scalp Los Angeles proudly offers hair tattoo for both male and female clients boosting confidence in a simple, quick, and lasting way. Contact Scalp Los Angeles to learn more about hair loss and what options you have to rebuild your self-confidence.

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