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Wigs and Toupees are the most popular options for people with hair loss. Both offer a practical, affordable, and quick fix for men and women who experience hair thinning or baldness.

But the question is: Which one is better? What's the difference between a wig and a toupee? Today's post will answer these questions by giving you evidence-based details. Read on!

What is a Wig?

A wig is a hair accessory or replacement system that covers your entire head. It does not require you to use adhesives to keep the hair in place, and you can use it to cover your head with anti-silicone or elastics to ensure the wig remains intact.

In addition, a wig is a ready-to-wear piece, and you may not style or trim it, making it easier, faster, and more convenient to put on and take off. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using a wig.


* A wig offers a full-coverage solution for people with hair loss

* It does not require trimming or styling

* You can wear or take it off easily yourself without needing a stylist

* Wigs come in various styles and shapes, allowing you to alter your hairstyle

* Wigs are available in different textures and colors to fit your specific needs


* You may find it uncomfortable to wear a wig for a prolonged period

* A wig does not look as natural as a toupee

* A wig can cause embarrassment to the public if you fail to secure it properly

* It requires more maintenance than a toupee

* High-quality wigs made from human hair are costly

What is a Toupee?

A toupee is a hairpiece or replacement system that covers a portion of your scalp. Most people use a toupee to cover the bald part or section of the head. It blends with your natural hair, allowing you to improve your looks and personality.

In addition, when you wear a toupee, no one will realize you are wearing a hairpiece, improving your self-confidence. A toupee requires you to combine clips, glue, and tape to keep it in place and intact, reducing the risk of slipping and shifting. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of using a toupee.


* A toupee aligns with your natural hair, giving you a beautiful and seamless look

* You can custom-fit or style a toupee to match your natural hair and achieve a beautiful hairstyle

* A toupee, unlike a wig, uses adhesives to keep the hairpiece intact and secure

* You can wear a toupee for weeks without feeling uncomfortable

* A toupee is less costly than wigs


* A toupee is not suitable for people with hair loss across the scalp

* A toupee is hard to apply on a portion of the scalp due to adhesives

* A toupee requires regular maintenance, including washing and styling

* You will need the help of a hairstylist or aesthetician to wear a toupee

Wigs Vs Toupee: The Differences

The primary difference between a wig and a toupee is the size. As mentioned, a toupee covers a portion or crown of your head, and a wig covers the entire scalp. So, this means a toupee is smaller than a wig.

How you wear a toupee or wig is another difference between these hairpieces. You can wear and take off a wig yourself. On the other hand, you will need a skilled hairdresser to wear a toupee and secure it in place.

Which One is Better?

There is no direct answer to this question because wearing a wig or toupee depends on your needs and preferences. For example, a wig is a reliable option if you experience significant hair thinning or balding across the scalp.

In contrast, you can go for a toupee if you have beautiful natural hair but a specific portion of your crown is bald or has thin hair. So, this depends on your individual needs and how you want to look.

Hayk Matsakyan

Hair thinning or hair loss is a common condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Although you can find numerous hair loss treatments, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has recently gained popularity.

PRP is an evidence-based and effective therapy that involves using a person’s own blood to create plasma-rich platelets and injecting them into the scalp. The primary objective of PRP is to trigger cells/tissues and promote hair growth.

In a study published by Bio-X Research, PRP is an excellent therapy to regrow hair because platelets activate tissues in the scalp and release growth factors that streamline tissue healing. As a result, your hair starts to regrow. Today’s article will discuss PRP in detail. Read on!

How Does PRP Work?

PRP therapy requires a health professional to extract blood from your body. The therapist processes the blood to create a solution of platelets. According to Hopkins Medicine, this concentrated solution contains plasma and platelets with high healing potential.

Next, the doctor or therapist injects the PRP solution into the scalp, releasing growth factors to stimulate tissues and follicles. These growth factors increase blood flow to the follicles, heal damaged tissues, and improve their function.

In addition to hair growth, PRP solution can improve your scalp health by reducing itching, irritation, inflammation, and oxidants. So this creates a favorable and nutrient-rich environment for your follicles to streamline hair growth.

Is PRP Effective for Hair Loss?

Numerous studies have confirmed that PRP therapy is an effective hair loss treatment. For instance, a study published by PLOS One shows that PRP releases growth factors that improve hair thickness, density, and volume, making it a safe, quick, and practical treatment for people with hair loss.

According to Frontiers, PRP therapy benefits both men and women but has shown more promising results in treating male pattern baldness. Growth factors stimulate damaged tissues and trigger healing mechanisms, allowing intracellular and intercellular processes to improve hair thickness and density.

Remember, PRP therapy’s effectiveness and reliability depends on various factors, such as taking blood thinners, heavy smoking, and alcohol or drug abuse. Likewise, you may not achieve the desired result if you have been diagnosed with acute or chronic infections, live disease, skin disorder, metabolic illness, or hemodynamic instability.

Another affecting the reliability of PRP therapy is the underlying cause of hair loss. Therefore, we recommend consulting a qualified health professional to seek advice before undergoing PRP.

What Are the Side Effects of PRP?

PRP therapy is one of the most effective treatment options for people with hair loss. Although PRP is safe with minimal side effects, some men and women may experience mild discomfort or pain at the injection site.

The good news is that this discomfort, inflammation, or pain resolves within a few days. If you want to make the most of this treatment, speed up the rehabilitation period, and reduce the risk of bleeding or infection at the injection site, follow your doctor’s aftercare instructions.

Final Words

PRP therapy is a promising hair loss treatment, and numerous studies have shown positive results in men and women. However, not everyone responds to this treatment, particularly those with poor lifestyles and dietary patterns. Lastly, it is worth considering for people looking for a minimally invasive procedure and growing their hair naturally.

Hayk Matsakyan

Celebs, like everyone else, can experience problems associated with the scalp and hair. Aging, medical conditions, chemical damage, environmental pollutants, skin diseases, lifestyle, dietary regimens, and stress are common causes of hair loss in men and women.

Genetics can also cause various forms of alopecia and other hair loss conditions. Besides, women usually experience hair thinning or hair loss after giving birth to a child. So hormonal changes can also cause hair loss in women.

Research shows that many celebs experienced hair loss in 2023. In addition to men who prefer shaving their heads or experiencing alopecia, some female celebrities with hair loss are Keira Knightley, Kristin Davis, Tyra Banks, and Naomi Campbell.

But we are talking about those who are bald. Right? Today's blog post will discuss the most famous bald celebrities who suffer from some type of hair loss or have a bald hair style in 2023. Read on!

Bruce Willis

Everyone knows Bruce Willis, one of the most versatile and talented Hollywood actors who has acted in some super hit films. Willis began losing hair gradually in the 90s.

Instead of undergoing hair-thinning treatment, Willis followed a trend when most of his co-actors embraced bald hairstyles. In addition to Willis's buzzcut, which suits him in most action movies, he remains bald in 2023. Bruce did not go for a hair transplant, PRP therapy, etc. and instead preferred to appear bald.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Dwayne Johnson, or The Rock, is a famous part-time wrestler and one of the richest Hollywood celebrities. The Rock has been bald for many years and will continue this legacy in 2023.

Interestingly, Dwayne is not bald, meaning genetics, dietary patterns, skin conditions, etc., have not affected his scalp and hair. Research shows that The Rock is bald by choice. The Rock's hair is a cross between a Lama's ball sac and Afro hair. That's why he prefers to stay bald.

Howie Mandel

You will be amazed to know that Howie Mandel is not bald due to genetic predisposition, and like the Rock, he is bald by choice. According to New Times Hair, Howie Mandel has a mental condition called "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" or OCD.

Mandel fears that not shaving his head would create a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms. So, he fears germs, a condition called Mysophobia, which has turned into an OCD, preventing him from growing hair.

Gail Porter

Gail Porter is a former actress, model, and famous TV personality residing in Scotland. Porter has made substantial efforts to earn a name in the television industry. She contributed to Scottish children's TV, modeling, and mainstream media.

According to Mirror Online, Porter experienced severe hair thinning in 2005. Although she sought ways to overcome the problem, she failed to regrow her hair. As a result, Porter went bald. Porter's hair has never grown back for 18 years because she suffers from alopecia.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith is another celebrity who has been suffering from alopecia for the last five years. Alopecia led to excessive hair loss on Smith's scalp. While this condition caused increased stress levels for Smith, she coped with the situation by learning to embrace her baldness. Moreover, Smith believes that real beauty is within herself, not her hair.

Final Words

Celebs worldwide shave their heads for various reasons. Some celebrities do not suffer from hair loss conditions but still shave their heads to show defiance against the beauty standards set by the materialistic society.

Likewise, others suffer from conditions like alopecia or side effects from cancer therapies like chemotherapy. Lastly, some celebs shave their heads for personal comfort or a role in a movie.

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