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Why the crown of the head suffers the most from the hair loss?

Hayk Matsakyan

Hair loss affects more than 80 million people in the United States. About 75% of men experience hair loss, commonly known as alopecia, after age 35. Although hair loss usually affects older adults, anyone can suffer from it.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a person loses up to 100 hairs daily. Most people ask why the crown suffers the most from hair loss. What are the reasons behind it? Today's article will answer this question. Read on!

Hair Loss at Crown of the Head

A bald spot on your crown is the early sign of hair loss, also called male pattern baldness. Although a bald spot does not mean losing all your hair, it indicates you will shed hair over time. In addition to losing hair at the top of your head, you may also experience a receding hairline.

Research shows that 95% of hair loss at the crown in men is due to Androgenic Alopecia, a genetic trait that causes a thinning crown. The problem is usually due to genetic sensitivity to a byproduct, "dihydrotestosterone," or DHT of a hormone called testosterone. Let us discuss this further!

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Male pattern baldness also called a balding crown, is one of the most significant problems for men. A hormonal byproduct "DHT" causes this problem. The byproduct's primary function is to develop body hair and voice deepening.

These are male characteristics that a man develops during puberty. However, a growing body of research evidence shows that DHT adheres to androgen receptors on scalp follicles, leading to acute or chronic shrinkage.

New hairs developed are weaker, more delicate, and more prone to shedding. Moreover, DHT affects the hair growth cycle, particularly the Anagen phase. It reduces the length of the Anagen phase and increases the Telogen phase duration, causing news hairs to take more time to grow back. Sometimes, the prolonged Telogen phase stops hair growth.

Harsh Chemicals in Hair Products

Commercially manufactured hair products contain harsh chemicals that can speed up hair loss at the crown. For instance, a shampoo containing sulfates attaches to the scalp's sebum oil and damages the follicles. Not only do sulfates stop sebum from reaching the follicles, but it also dries your scalp, resulting in skin irritation and eczema.

Formaldehyde is another chemical or carcinogen found in shampoos and conditioners. It can affect the overall condition of your hair and scalp and promote thinning of hair at the crown.

Polyethylene glycol is a harmful ingredient found in commercial haircare products. Although it is a thickening agent, it prevents natural oils and optimal moisture levels from the hair, leading to the formation of a bald spot at the crown.

Final Words

Hair loss at the crown is one of the men's most troubling issues because males are the most affected compared to women. Taking care of your hair using organic products is critical to maintaining its overall health.

However, suppose you have already developed the signs and symptoms of hair loss at the crown. In that case, you can consult a dermatologist to prescribe you an adequate treatment, such as minoxidil, an FDA-approved medication.

On the other hand, if this medication fails to improve your symptoms or regrow your hair, you can undergo a hair transplant such as FUT or FUE or Scalp Micro Pigmentation also known as Hair Tattoo. Make sure you hire a professional, licensed, and experienced hair transplant surgeon or SMP artist to achieve your goals.



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